Home RELEVANT HANDS-ON EDUCATIONAL ENTERTAINING ABOUT US POWERSAINS was established in 2021 to help create STEM Smartness© for all. STEM Smartness© is a term coined by POWERSAINS to denote a set of critical life skills necessary to thrive in a technologically driven world. We strive to develop interesting resources and programs to support STEM teaching and learning and for fun, using the approach of STEM Smartness©.*STEM = Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematic NEWS Special Event Youth Climate Summit 2024October 18, 2024Special Event Special Event Create Living Art (Resin Epoxy Casting & Laser Engraving)September 2, 2024Special Event International Penang Young STEM & A Entrepreneur Student Exchange #9March 25, 2024International Special Event STEM Carnival Program, Sri Sempurna International SchoolFebruary 21, 2024Special Event Load More Partners Previous Next
Special Event Create Living Art (Resin Epoxy Casting & Laser Engraving)September 2, 2024Special Event